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In-Person & Online Training Courses

  • Behavior Awareness
    A behavior awareness course for safety and security is designed to educate individuals on how to recognize, report, and potentially mitigate threatening behaviors and situations that can compromise personal, organizational, or public safety. Typically, this type of training might include: Recognizing threatening behaviors. Participants learn to identify potential warning signs of problematic or dangerous behavior. This may include aggressive or violent behavior, suspicious activities, substance abuse, signs of radicalization, or indications of mental health issues. De-escalation techniques. Courses often cover strategies to de-escalate situations that may potentially become violent or disruptive. These includes effective communication techniques and conflict resolution strategies. Reporting procedures. Participants learn when and how to report observed behaviors to the appropriate authorities. This could be within an organizational context (such as to a supervisor or designated security team) or to law enforcement agencies in more severe cases. Response procedures. Training might also cover how to respond in the event of an incident, including emergency procedures, evacuation routes, or personal safety measures. Building a culture of safety. Many courses also emphasize the importance of fostering a proactive culture of safety and security, where all members of an organization or community feel responsible for and empowered to contribute to their collective security. These courses can be invaluable in many contexts - workplaces, schools, public spaces, or for individuals wishing to enhance their personal safety skills. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to recognize and respond to potential threats, behavior awareness courses can help prevent incidents and enhance overall safety and security.
  • Campus Emergency Response
    A campus emergency response course is designed to prepare individuals, particularly those involved in the operations and management of educational institutions, to respond effectively to emergencies that could occur on a campus. This might include natural disasters, human-caused incidents (like active shooter scenarios), fires, or medical emergencies. Here's what this type of course typically covers: Emergency response planning. Participants learn how to develop and implement effective emergency response plans tailored to the unique needs of a campus environment. This includes understanding the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, the creation of communication plans, and consideration of specific needs like accessibility and evacuation routes. Incident management. The course may cover Incident Command System (ICS) principles for managing emergencies, including command structures, coordination among multiple responders, and the use of common terminology. Practical scenarios. Practical exercises are often a key component, helping participants to apply what they've learned in simulated emergency scenarios. Threat assessment and mitigation. Participants may learn to identify potential hazards, assess their risks, and implement measures to mitigate these risks. This could range from physical security measures to policies that foster a safe and respectful campus culture. Crisis communication. The course typically covers how to communicate effectively before, during, and after an emergency. This includes notifying the campus community, coordinating with first responders, and managing information in a crisis. Recovery and continuity planning. Participants also learn how to plan for the aftermath of an emergency, including support for affected individuals, restoration of normal operations, and evaluation of the response to improve future preparedness. By training individuals in these areas, a campus emergency response course aims to improve the safety and resilience of educational institutions. The exact contents may vary based on the specific needs and characteristics of the campus (such as size, location, or resources).
  • Comprehensive Site Safety Plan
    A Comprehensive Site Safety Plan (CSSP) is a document that outlines the various safety procedures and protocols for a specific worksite. It is often used in industries such as construction, manufacturing, or any field that involves significant physical labor and potential hazards. This plan is essential for promoting a safe and healthy work environment, complying with legal and regulatory requirements, and reducing the risk of work-related injuries or accidents. While the specifics of a CSSP may vary depending on the industry and the nature of the work being performed, it generally includes the following components: Hazard identification and risk assessment. This involves identifying potential hazards on the site and assessing the risks associated with them. This could include anything from machinery operation to chemical exposure to fall hazards. Preventive and control measures. Once hazards have been identified, the plan should outline measures to prevent incidents or control risks. This could include the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe work procedures, regular maintenance and inspections, etc. Emergency response procedures. The plan should define procedures for responding to emergencies, including evacuation routes and assembly points, roles and responsibilities during an emergency, and protocols for emergency medical treatment. Training and communication. The CSSP should identify training requirements for workers, supervisors, and managers. It should also outline how safety information will be communicated to everyone on the site. Responsibility assignment. The plan should clearly define who is responsible for implementing each part of the plan. This typically includes a mix of on-site personnel, from management to supervisors to individual workers. Incident reporting and investigation. The plan should establish procedures for reporting incidents, near misses, and hazards. It should also detail how investigations will be conducted to identify causes and prevent recurrence. Regular review and update. The plan should include a process for regularly reviewing and updating the safety plan to address changes in the worksite, operations, or workforce. The CSSP is typically developed by the site's safety officer or manager in cooperation with management and employees. It should be communicated to all personnel and visitors to the site, and everyone should be trained on their roles and responsibilities under the plan.
  • Crisis Communication Strategy
    A crisis communication strategy is a plan outlining how an organization will communicate with its stakeholders in the event of an unexpected or negative event. The goal of a crisis communication strategy is to protect and defend the individual, company, or organization facing the crisis situation. The strategy involves clear and concise messaging to ensure transparency and uphold the organization's reputation. Key components of a crisis communication strategy include: Preparation. This involves identifying potential crises that could occur and having a plan in place for each. Preparation also includes having a crisis communication team identified and trained. Identification of stakeholders. Knowing who needs to be informed is crucial. This can include employees, partners, customers, shareholders, regulators, and the media. Key messages. During a crisis, it's important to communicate clearly and concisely. Having key messages prepared in advance can help ensure the organization's response is consistent and accurate. Channels of communication. Different crises may require different channels of communication. These can include press releases, social media updates, internal emails, press conferences, or direct communication with stakeholders. Spokesperson. This is typically a senior person within the organization who is trained to communicate with the media and other stakeholders during a crisis. Monitoring and response. Once communication is released, it's important to monitor the situation closely and be prepared to respond to feedback and queries. Post-crisis analysis. After the crisis is over, review the effectiveness of the crisis communication strategy and adjust as needed. This includes determining how well the crisis was handled, what could be improved, and what lessons were learned. A strong crisis communication strategy can help an organization navigate through a crisis and maintain trust with its stakeholders. It's also important to review and update the strategy regularly, even when there isn't a crisis, to ensure it remains effective and relevant.
  • Situational Awareness
    A situational awareness program for safety and security programs is designed to develop the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is happening with regards to safety or security. It involves being aware of what is happening in the vicinity to understand how information, events, and one's own actions will impact goals and objectives, both immediately and in the near future. Here are key elements typically included in a situational awareness program: Perception of elements. The first step is to perceive the status, attributes, and dynamics of relevant elements in the environment. This could be anything from the location of exits in a building, the behavior of people around you, to the state of weather conditions, for example. Comprehension of the situation. This involves understanding the significance of the elements perceived. This might mean identifying potential threats or safety hazards, understanding the implications of observed behaviors, or forecasting future conditions based on current data. Projection of future status. This step involves using the current situation to predict how it will evolve over time. For example, if a piece of machinery is showing signs of malfunction, a worker might predict that it will break down soon and cause a safety hazard. Decision making and action. With a clear understanding of the situation, participants are equipped to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them. A situational awareness program is often incorporated into broader safety and security training. It can be especially valuable in high-risk environments or professions, like first responders, military personnel, aviation, manufacturing, construction, or healthcare. However, situational awareness is a beneficial skill for anyone, as it enhances personal safety and security in everyday life as well.
  • Stop the Bleed
    "Stop the Bleed" is a national awareness campaign and a call to action initiated in the United States. It aims to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. The campaign was developed by the American College of Surgeons in 2015 following the Sandy Hook School shooting and the realization that many victims of such mass casualty events could be saved with immediate, on-site hemorrhage control. The "Stop the Bleed" safety course typically includes: Basic knowledge about the immediate response to bleeding, recognizing life-threatening bleeding, and appropriate ways to stop the bleeding. Hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The correct application of bandages and dressings. Understanding when to use these methods. These courses are designed to be simple and accessible, enabling ordinary people to provide immediate and effective first aid. They are usually taught by certified instructors, and a variety of organizations offer them, from hospitals to public health departments to first responder agencies. The idea is that with the right training, anyone can help to "Stop the Bleed" and potentially save lives. Remember, though, while the training is valuable, it's important to always call for professional medical help as soon as possible in an emergency situation.

Power of Repetition

There's an old maxim in journalism: "Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them." That works pretty well for safety training, too. Incyte understands the importance of ongoing training for employees, new employees, and volunteers.


That means plenty of follow-up and refresher training--especially for the more complicated safety information. This should be conducted quarterly through in-person training and/or videos that can be viewed by the staff at their convenience. spaced to allow employees to practice new procedures and skills or use new information on the job supported by coaching before they come back to the classroom for review and additional training.

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